

The Ark-La-Tex Orienteering Society





The name of this organization is the Ark-La-Tex Orienteering Society (ALTOS).




The purpose of ALTOS is to encourage and promote Orienteering activities in the Ark-La-Tex area.  This includes, but is not limited to:

            a.  Training runners and administrators.

            b.  Sponsoring Orienteering meets.

            c.  Locating and mapping areas to be used for Orienteering activities.



Section 1. ELIGIBILITY:  Anyone that is interested in supporting the purposes of ALTOS as listed in Article II.
Section 2. CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP:  There shall be four classes of membership, namely, 1.  Individual (I),  2.  Family (F), 3.  Activity Club (AC), i.e. ROTC, CAP, BSA, Church, etc. and 4.  Honorary (H).
            A. Individual Membership.  An Individual Member is one who submits a membership application form with prescribed dues. Individual members are encouraged to attend as many meetings as possible, to participate in the various activities, and to help in the administration of these activities. The Individual Member is a one (1) voting member. 
            B.  Family Membership.  A Family Member is a family who submits a membership application form with prescribed dues and consists of those members of a particular family, i.e. the husband, wife, and children of a particular family.  A Family is a two (2) voting member.

            C.  Activity Club Membership.  An Activity Club Member is an Activity Club who submits a membership application form with prescribed dues  and consists of those who participate in the primary purpose of the recognized activity.  An Activity Club is two (2) voting member. 

D. Honorary Member.Honorary Members are those who have been recommended for Honorary membership by a committee appointed by the President. Honorary Members are thereafter exempt from annual dues and shall be granted the privilege of attendance at all organizational functions. Example of Honorary Members are presidents of other Orienteering clubs, local land/park managers and owners, local interested merchants, etc. Non voting member.
E. Fees: Individual Membership - $10. Family Membership - $15. Activity Club Membership - $25. Honorary Membership - None. Fees are due September 30 annually.



Section 1.  OFFICERS.  The officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Affairs.


Section 2.  ELECTION AND INSTALLATION.  Officers shall be elected and installed at the summer meeting each year.  The term of office shall be for one year.



            A.  PRESIDENT. The President shall preside at all meetings. He/she shall appoint members to perform duties of the organization.  Positions to be appointed shall be, but not limited to, membership chairman, meet directors, course planners/setters, map makers/field checkers, purchasing/equipment storage specialist, instructors, etc.

            B.  VICE-PRESIDENT.  The Vice-President shall act as aide to the President, and in the absence of the President, or in the case he/she inability to act, perform the duties of the President.

            C.  SECRETARY.  The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings.  These records shall be made available to the President for inclusion into the newsletter.

            D.  TREASURER.  The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the club from membership dues, gifts, and registration fees.  All money shall be deposited to the ALTOS bank account. Disbursements shall  be made by check.  A financial statement shall be made available at each meeting for as requested by the President.

            E.  PUBLIC AFFAIRS.  The duties of the Public Affairs Officer shall be, but not limited to:

            (1)  Making news releases of meet results or announcing upcoming events.

            (2)  Notifying the "Orienteering:  North American" magazine of event schedule.

            (3)  Publishing a quarterly newsletter.

            (4)  Other duties as deemed necessary to promote the sport and organization.




A General Membership Meeting shall be conducted in the Summer and Winter of each year.

 Special meetings shall be called by the President when deemed necessary. Meeting may be conducted as part of other scheduled activities.  Any meeting which will include the amending of the By-Laws must be announced a minimum of ten (10) days in advance.  A 2/3 majority of the membership present at the meeting is required to amend the By-Laws.




The quorum for a regular or special meeting shall be three (3) if business requiring voting is conducted.  Those members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business not requiring a  vote.




Meetings shall be conducted by the rules of parliamentary procedure and Robert's Rules of Order shall be the authority for the organization in all questions of parliamentary law not covered by this document. 

Officers are:

Justin Reneau - President & Public Affairs
Gary Hackman - Vice-President
Jimmy Durham - Treasurer
Gary Pomraning - Secretary

Doug Rainwater - Course Planner/Cartographer